Rural Writer - The Blog

 Stories,  interviews and insights

from a country living perspective


Building Family Bonds Around the Campfire Jan 07, 2023

 Even if you can't go camping, you can reap the benefits of a family campfire.

I am so thankful for spring and the warmer weather it brings. I love to get my hands it the dirt and start planting flowers and vegetables.

It also signals to me...

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7 Ways to Help Your Partner Become a Better Listener Jan 06, 2023

It's not about being louder.

Clear communication is vital to any relationship. So it’s important to be able to share our thoughts and feelings. We want to be heard. It validates us as human beings.

We all know this to be true.

But what...

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Accepting My Autumn Dec 13, 2022

Accepting My Autumn

My horse labored the last few feet

As we crested the hill

My reluctant heart and mind

Adding to his burden.

His heaving chest

Expanding and contracting

Beneath me

As we come to grips with our bearings.

We stood weary from the...

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5 Books You Should Read If You Love The History Of Montana Dec 13, 2022

 We can learn some important lessons from stories Montana has to tell.

 I’m sure I was a pioneer woman or maybe Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke in a past life. I love learning about western history and exploring historical sites in places...

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What are the Real Reasons People Drink Coffee? Dec 13, 2022

I pulled my coffee mug from under the single-cup brewing station I set up behind my desk. It’s a must-have addition to my classroom teacher essentials. Before taking my first sip, I lifted the fresh brew to my nose and took a deep whiff.


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Why You Need an Evacuation Plan When Wildfire Threatens Your Home Dec 07, 2022


You’re never as prepared as you think you are.

About ten minutes after coming into the house, the phone rang. I recognized the name on the caller ID as a friend of my husband’s.

A little surprised he would be calling in the...

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8 Excellent Reasons For Living in the Country Nov 12, 2022

Many people dream of living in the country. Other people wonder what's the big draw to living a rural life. Well, here are 8 excellent reasons for living in the country. 


1. Knock, Knock, Who's There?

Privacy - In today's world of...

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Why I Want To Be a Better Fisherwoman family fishing recreation self-improvement Oct 11, 2022

Thank heavens a person doesn’t have to be skilled in an activity to enjoy participating in it. If that were the case, I would probably have to give up fishing. And that would make me very, very sad.

You might say I’m a latecomer to the...

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